June 12, 2011


Hello, my name is Ray. I love to cook; food is one of my passions.  And I love to share my cooking and recipes with friends and family. I currently work at a supermarket, which for the most part is where I got this idea.  I have so many recipes that I have use and created through the years that a lot of my family and customers love. So now that you know me here is my how I will present my recipes.
Every week I plan to post three different recipes, which will include ingredients, instruction, and tools. Sundays will be my seafood dish.  Tuesdays I will showcase either a meat of vegetarian recipe.  Thursdays I will post either a quick dessert or side dish. All of my recipes are quick and easy if you have everything you need. Now on Saturdays I am going to discuss different ways of preparing the recipes from earlier that week.  In between posting days I want to hear from you my readers. Now I know that you’re not going to comment right off the bat ,but once you try any of my recipes tell me how you liked it. And please come to me with any issues or question about the recipes.
My goal is to have this blog be a fun, creative, safe place to talk and learn. In essence this is for my customers and friends, but the followers I pick up along the way will be great. Thank you for reading and please keep checking in.